Can You Treat Psoriasis With Medical Marijuana?

If you are one of the many Americans who suffer from psoriasis on a daily basis, you may be curious about the potential of medical marijuana to solve a problem that traditional medicine has struggled to answer. Medications meant to stop the pain and itching of flaky, crusty skin often come with potentially debilitating side effects and may only provide short-term relief. Although further studies are needed, the interaction between cannabis and skin disorders like psoriasis appears promising, and combining medical marijuana with your current treatment plan may provide better results than you have ever seen before. 

Distinguishing Between THC and CBD

When you ingest marijuana, your body responds to two primary components within the plant. The first is tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, which causes the "high" cannabis is famous for. The other compound is cannabidiol, or CBD, and it is this intriguing molecule that is credited with the medicinal effects of marijuana. As the medical use of marijuana has grown more popular, specific strains of the plant have been grown to emphasize CBD production and minimize THC levels. 

Understanding How Your Skin Responds to Cannabinoids

What is it about cannabinoids that makes them so beneficial for the human body? Your skin contains receptors for a variety of natural chemicals, including cannabinoids, which direct how skin cells act and respond to various stimuli. It has been shown that cannabinoids applied to the skin inhibit the production of excessive keratinocytes, the mechanism behind the scabby layers of skin associated with psoriasis. This makes marijuana a promising avenue of treatment for psoriasis without all of the side-effects associated with other medications. 

Exploring the Innovations of the Cannabis Industry

Many patients who are new to the world of medical cannabis are wary of smoking the plant or getting high as a normal course of treatment. Thankfully, innovations within the medical community have made it possible to extract CBD oil and create topical creams and lotions, which carry the same benefits as regular CBD without the drawbacks of smoking actual marijuana. 

Treating Your Psoriasis With Medical Marijuana

In most cases, treating psoriasis with medical marijuana is as simple as applying a CBD-based lotion to your skin once or twice a day. If you live in a state with legalized medical or recreational cannabis and are curious about its potential, speak to your doctor about its possible benefits for your psoriasis. CBD can often be used alongside existing medications without complication, and you can always stop using it if it isn't right for you. With so much potential and so few known drawbacks, it's easy to understand why marijuana is rapidly being legalized for medical use across the country. 

For more information, contact natural health care centers like Citadel Alternative Care.
